ZhangJiang DongNi Fishing Net Manufacturing Co.,Ltd is one authorizes the registration by the National Related Department the production processing enterprise. This department has the specialists to be engaged in the fishing net production, the processing, the processing craft, the product necessary, well-equipped, the automatic production line, the product quality is reliable. Management scope: Weaves the fishing net, sells the fishing equipment mesh wire; Manages this enterprise from to produce the mechanical device which the product and the technical export business and this enterprise need. Spare parts. Original auxiliary material and technical import service. The company is situated at China's south coastal city - Guangdong Province Zhanjiang Donghai Island economic development zone fishing net industrial city 2. East Zhanjiang ni the net industry Limited company in line with “the customer first, the good faith is supreme” the principle, has established the long-term cooperation with many enterprises. The cordially welcome friend from all walks of life comes to visit, the inspection, the discussion service.湛江东妮网业有限公司是一家经相关部门批准注册的生产加工型企业。本司拥有人员从事渔网生产,加工,处理工艺,产品配套,设备完善,自动化生产线,产品质量。经营范围:编织渔网,销售渔具网线;经营本企业自产产品和技术的出口业务及本企业所需的机械设备.零配件.原辅材料和技术的业务。公司地处中国的南部沿海城市-广东省湛江东海岛经济开发区渔网工业城2号。湛江东妮网业有限公司本着“客户,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。 ...展开
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